By DEANNA ISAACS,  Bothell Reporter Reporter 

Aug 20, 2015 at 8:00AM updated Aug 21, 2015 at 10:29AM

In the old days, men had two options for haircuts – a barber shop or a quick-cut place with large ‘80s photos on the wall. Now, Northshore men have a new place to go for all kinds of haircare: The 18|8 Fine Men’s Salon, located at 19122 Beardslee Blvd. in Bothell.18|8 Bothell

“What brought me to Bothell is the good demographics and the opportunity to serve a market that is currently under served in the high-end, male grooming/taking care of guys-space,” said Ron Barbera, president of LTT holdings Inc and 18|8 Men’s Salon. “Basically we’re after people who can appreciate, and are willing to pay for, quality and a service experience.”